Measuring the Growth of African Juniper Trees

Engaging in applied research is one of the pillars of our organization. Recently, two students from the Belgian university KU Leuven (one of our science partners) completed their MSc programmes. They carried out their thesis research at WeForest’s Desa’a Forest project in Ethiopia.

Trees in the spotlight

Desaa Blog_Olive Juniperus

Trees have many benefits: they harbor CO2, they create homes for wildlife, they produce oxygen and so on. That’s why each tree species deserves to be in the spotlight. Today, it’s time to introduce the Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata.

Agriculture in Brazil: A modern powerhouse

Agriculture in Brazil is one of the main pillars of the economy: 25% of the GDP over the past two decades was made up by agriculture and animal husbandry. Furthermore Brazil is the fourth largest food producer in the world and ranks as the number one crop producer (such as soy, sugarcane and maize). However, […]

Restoring trees for biodiversity and herbal gardens


Restoring forests contributes to higher levels of biodiversity. After all, trees provide different soil nutrients, shadow for those smaller plants that need it and increase the maintenance of water in the ground, all of which contribute to medicinal plants and herbal gardens to flourish. The same herbal gardens that companies like the Himalaya Drug Company depend on.

20 million trees planted

20 million trees! – and 16.000 hectares restored: Check out this video to see the impact of these these millions of trees in the field.

“Put people first” – in Forest and Landscape Restoration


With a total of (collectively) hundreds of years of thinking about forest landscape restoration (FLR), researchers, NGO leaders and government officials gathered in Philippines with the objective of making it easier for others to understand FLR ‘s principles and objectives.