Making local communities part of the solution


In some parts of Northern Ethiopia, 98% of the forest cover has disappeared. Individual farmers did not have many other options than converting forests into agricultural land, cut trees and sell firewood to compensate for severe food insecurity.

XVI World Water Congress


WeForest is contributing to the XVI World Water Congress in Cancun, Mexico, where international experts discuss the links between forests and water, monitoring best practices and why science-based policies are so urgently needed. Read more or download the flyer here.

Together we planted 15 million trees!


Over the last 7 years, all together we achieved the amazing challenge of planting 15 million trees! That is like restoring a 12,000 ha forest, an area 2 times the size of Manhattan and larger than the city of Paris!

Brabantia’s community tree nurseries


Since Brabantia started restoring forests in 2014 with WeForest, we have seen the immense impact of their trees. Now we’re seeing what they mean for rural families at the community-run tree nurseries they’re supporting in Amhara.