News from the field in Amhara


Our project in Amhara, which focuses on restoring forests in order to create healthy and productive lands for rural families, is now well underway.

Forests and food security


Harvesting food from forests can improve food security for rural families across the globe. Food security exists when everyone has access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

How gullies threaten livelihoods

AHR_DiscussingGulliesAndualemAdane _Nov2016_©WeForest

Meet Andwalem Adane, a local 5th grader living in Amhara, Ethiopia. He is worried about the gullies that currently scatter the landscape because it threatens his family’s land.

Zambia’s breath of fresh air

no problem cooking stoves

Women in the Ajumani refugee camp in south Sudan came up with the name Peko Pe, meaning “no problem”, for a new stove that made it easier to collect fuel.