Put trees under the tree this Christmas

Your employees don’t need yet another heated blanket in the Secret Santa this year. Why not gift them something that gives an even warmer glow – and is much better for the planet?

Eco-investing: balancing costs and benefits

Today, the journey towards a greener future is not just an ideal, but a crucial step for businesses around the world. The Paris Agreement set a bold goal to limit global warming to 2°C, and this has sparked a wave of action.

Tracking your impact is easy with WeForest

Our brand new video explains how funding partners can use our advanced monitoring and evaluation techniques and digital tools to track their impact and climate action.

WeForest joins BACA and The Shift

WeForest has become a member of two Belgium-based communities focused on sustainability and avoiding the worst effects of climate change.

Exploring the ‘bird cave’

“Wof-Washa,” known as the “bird cave”, just 170 km northeast of Addis Ababa, is a natural treasure in Ethiopia.