Making schools greener

The support of local people in resisting logging and conserving forests is a crucial challenge to deforestation. Environmental projects throughout the world are increasingly recognizing the need to partner with local people, and their children too, in our efforts to conserve the environment.

Technology meets restoration

Innovative technology is fast being recognized as an extremely valuable tool to improve efficiency and outcomes of environmental projects.

Women’s fruit tree nursery scheme underway

As of this week, the first stages of our fruit tree nursery scheme in Zambia are underway. Our planting partner is busy training 40 women to set up their own home-based nurseries where they will grow high value fruit trees like citrus, mango and tangerine trees.

WeForest & Brabantia plant 10 millionth tree!

We hope you have heard the good news! International non-profit organisation WeForest, dedicated to bio-diverse tree planting, together with us here at Brabantia, has planted its 10 millionth tree in Ethiopia. 

Teff: The fashionable grain

In the traditional Ethiopian cafes scattered around cities worldwide you might come across Teff. Largely unknown but becoming increasingly popular, it is a staple among among Ethiopian farmers, especially in the highlands.

Feeding families and preserving forests

Hunger is a problem for people and planet. It puts immense pressure on our forests, which are cleared to harvest food, farm crops, raise livestock and make a living.