Credible sustainability claims

Logos, ecolabels, and marketing are how most people interact with standards and certification and they need to know what the sustainability claim means and what social or environmental attributes a product truly has.

World changing me

World Changing Me is a social enterprise which aims at helping people reduce the environmental footprint of their lifestyles and increase their real wealth through access to information, education and encouragement to make positive changes.


Welcome to the Olympic city of Sochi.

Fighting malnutrition

Professor David Sands is helping women in one Kenyan village to fight malnutrition with a toothpick, fungus and a clump of treated rice.

The Effect of Climate Change on Fall Color

With rising awareness of global climate change, scientists have turned a new eye to the autumn colour suggesting that climate shifts have altered the timing of seasonal vegetation changes.

Microalgae lamp

French biochemist Pierre Calleja has invented a lighting system that requires no electricity.

IPCC report

Louis Verchot on the IPCC report: What does it mean for the world’s forests?