Our favourite trees: Araucaria species

It’s summer in the Atlantic Forest. As thousands of birds, animals and insects begin their nightshift, an ancient Araucaria angustifolia pierces the skies above. Its evergreen limbs offer year-round shelter to wildlife below, stretching as high as 40 metres in a perfect star-shaped symmetry that remains unchanged for over 250 million years.

Offsetting our way out of the climate crisis isn’t possible or credible

John Oliver’s sketch, aired last week, threw a comic light on the world of carbon offsets; some criticisms of which we agree with. While it threw into doubt the validity of carbon offsets and claims, it also potentially damaged the credibility of any corporate climate action. And that’s not helpful.

First planting in Gewocha!

Here, project manager Adamu is shown kicking off the first planting in the new Gewocha Forest project with a demonstration.