It’s time for a New Water Paradigm

This World Water Day, here’s water, cloud nucleation and forestry expert Zach Weiss presenting water as Earth’s blood – moving through the planet’s circulatory system and bringing life to land.

Planter des arbres?

Check out this on-the-go interview (in French) with WeForest CEO Marie-Noelle Keijzer. It was made by The Mobility Studio for French-speaking Belgian TV.

Preparing a major new nursery

Here, the site is being prepared for the seedlings in the new WeForest/The Hunger Project tree nursery at Geray in West Gojjam.

Ready for the rains

Local community member Sunday and his team are busy constructing a shelter at Chintumukulu Conservancy’s base camp.

World Animal Day 2021

October 4th is World Animal Day, an international day of action for animal rights and welfare.