Trees in the spotlight

1Year Old Pyrus pashia

Trees have many benefits: they harbor CO2, they create homes for wildlife, they produce oxygen and so on. That’s why each tree species deserves to be in the spotlight. Today, it’s time to introduce the Pyrus pashia.

The fires in south-central Africa

Malawi fires

Nasa satellite imagery shows that there are more fires in south central African countries such as Zambia and Malawi, amongst others, than there are in the Amazon. What is going on there?

Brazil: Should we stay or should we go?


The Amazon is burning and Brazil’s government is refusing to take responsibility. Does it still make sense for WeForest to stay active there and even develop two new restoration projects? Short answer: Yes, it very much does.

Singing for Trees


Cath Grant shared this song with WeForest, signifying the ecological importance of trees.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa


The book Climate-Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Resilient Agricultural Systems, Landscapes, and Livelihoods in Ethiopia and Beyond was recently published by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) with contributing editors from WeForest, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Oregon State University and Mekelle University.

350 million trees in ONE day!


Marie Noelle Keijzer, CEO of WeForest and Peter Kanowski, Professor of Forestry at the Australian National University comment on the Australian ABC radio about Ethiopia planting more than 350 million trees in ONE day!

Without women we have no chance of succeeding

Women empowerment is key across our projects as well as taking into account their specific needs and availability, compared to men; without it, WeForest’s mission has no chance of succeeding.

How Does Biodiversity Affect Forest Stability?

Engaging in applied research is one of the pillars of our organization. Recently, two students from KU Leuven (one of our science partners) completed their MSc programmes, having carried out their research at WeForest’s Desa’a Forest project in Ethiopia.