Put trees under the tree this Christmas
Your employees don't need yet another heated blanket in the Secret Santa this year. Why not gift them something that gives an even warmer glow – and is much better for the planet?

Make a donation on their behalf to grow trees in Brazil, Ethiopia or Zambia, and your employees will be restoring forests and landscapes, lifting communities out of poverty and protecting biodiversity. Regular updates will keep them informed about how the trees are making a huge difference to people, nature and climate.

Follow the instructions below to donate to plant trees for your employees this year. Happy holidays!

Go to Global Giving’s donate in honor page.
Select a project and enter an amount.
Choose a design.
Add an optional message…
Enter ‘WeForest’ in the search box.
Choose a to email a card, print a card, or no card.
Enter the recipient’s details.
…and proceed to payment. Thank you!