Africa Programme Director
The Africa Programme Director will coordinate and reinforce WeForest’s existing restoration activities in the region and focus on developing new project opportunities.
We currently have a strong presence in Ethiopia (3 projects) and Zambia (2 projects), we are scaling-up in Tanzania, and we are starting a new project in Malawi.

How to apply

All correspondence, at this stage, should be via Oxford HR. To apply for this post, click on the “Apply” button in the job advert page and complete our online application form. Please provide a CV and cover letter in ONE single document, which should be prepared before applying as they will be requested in the application process. The cover letter should be no more than two pages long and explain why you are interested in this post and how your skills and experience make you a good fit.
The document should be saved in MS Word in the following format: Your First Name-Your Last Name-Document Name-Date (yymm) e.g: Pat-Jones-CVandStatement-1808.