One Million trees for Illustration Ltd!
In 2013 Illustration, one of the world’s leading illustration and animation agents, decided to do something about the cause and consequence of climate change; it pledged to donate 1% of its total income towards planting one million trees.

Five years and one million trees later, Illustration has sequestered over 85,000 tons of CO2, reforested over 1,300 acres of East and southern Africa and trained over 650 men and women in the better stewardship of their environment. “When we got the news that we had reached our objective, there was a moment of disbelief before the cheers rang out in our offices around the globe,” says Illustration’s managing director Harry Lyon-Smith.

So now that Illustration has achieved its objective of planting one million trees in just five years, what next? “That’s easy,” says Harry, “we’re going to carry on planting trees because the local and global benefits are so strong. Also, I think a lot of our clients get a buzz from knowing that by commissioning our exceptionally talent artists, they not only gain significant creative advantage but are also helping to combat climate change and alleviate poverty.”

You can find out more about Illustration tree planting programme here.

© Donough O'Malley