Marie-Noelle, CEO, tells the WeForest story on MiNT radio
MNK at MINT radio 77Feb2017
CEO of WeForest Marie-Noelle Keijzer went on MiNT radio to talk about what we mean by planting trees and why we plant them.

The following is a transcript of the interview in English.

WeForest: Reforestation works: everyone loves trees, brands (like Brabantia) love trees to engage their customers.

MINT: What do you  mean by planting trees?

WeForest: We restore degraded forests in tropical countries for climate, people and planet.

MINT: Is it greenwashing for some companies?

WeForest: It depends if companies are coherent or not with their commitment to do good. WeForest carefully selects the partners that can participate. Our mission is to grow environmental awareness in all kinds of companies, doing good should be available to all. As an entrepreneur I am driven by the focus on making a real impact and decided after 20 years working in leadership roles for multinational companies to start this NGO.

MINT: What is WeForest today?

WeForest: 10 employees spread across multiple countries, 3 legal entities (Belgium, USA and soon France). Our mission is to stop global warming and we cannot do this alone. We open doors, show solutions and best practices  for a replicable model top be adopted by all: trees must be worth more standing than felled.

Click here to listen to the interview in French.
